Are you adjusting and integrating the changes that have been forced upon us these past two-plus years?

Can you sense profound shifts that have taken place on the inside, yet you aren’t sure exactly what they are or how to manifest them in your life?

Is there a story of your growth and experience that is evolving within you that you’re afraid no one in your life will understand?

Do you want to tap into your Original Wisdom?

This time is ripe with possibility!

Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one was/is no different. It is a portal -- a gateway between one world and the next. 

As I see it, we’ve been inside a chrysalis for the past two-plus years. We’ve been isolated in ways we never before experienced. 

It's not only the pandemic, but we been witnessing international crises and environmental emergencies that fly across our screen on a daily basis.

I know it can seem like the world is utterly falling apart. I know how we are all feeling this collective trauma. However, as individuals we must continue to create, to manifest our calling.

It’s time to step through the portal, to emerge from the chrysalis in the act of Becoming You, again.

Are you experiencing any of these inner challenges?

  • You sense your wisdom deep inside, but you feel somewhat disconnected and unable to own it. Thus, you’re feeling like you’re on autopilot in your life, doing the same things that don’t quite fit for you anymore.
  • You wake up at night, knowing you have a bigger self-expression or purpose, yet you are afraid you don’t have what it takes to live it.
  • You frequently doubt the value of your creative impulses, and this stops you from manifesting your next Heart’s Desire: a relationship, writing your book or going for your other dreams.
  • Your inner critic is loud and ruthless, telling you that you need more experience, education, training before you’re ready to share your gifts. (And basically, that you’re not enough as you are.)
  • You’re numbing out with busyness, food, shopping and daily distractions such as comparing yourself to others on social media!
  • You actually know that deep down you are a phenomenal woman but you haven’t let yourself own it and express it.

And YOU ARE READY to step through the portal into Becoming YOU, again!

Hi! I'm Nancy Swisher

My entire life has been devoted to the subject of transformation and becoming. I understood at a very young age that I was a being of Consciousness or Spirit. Yet, as is the inevitable human experience, that Awareness was covered over by experiences of limitation, trauma, and general collective-based limiting beliefs that I absorbed.

My Inner Being, however, never stopped aiming towards evolution and becoming. My book, The Life That Woke Me Up Was My Own, traces the arc of my journey. Through decades of study with mentors, therapists and teachers, both living and through books, I know the process of transformation inside and out. I’m here for you now, to share the wisdom I have to offer and to shine a Light on the wisdom that is within you.

Having a guide for your transformation when you are on the verge of expansion makes all the difference. That’s why I created this special 1:1 Retreat. It would be my honor to support you to discover who you are now Becoming -- and to co-create with you a plan of practice to bring this next version of you into reality.

What's included in
Becoming YOU, again Retreat:

  • A Half-Day 1:1 Becoming You, again with Nancy on Zoom.
  • Pre-Retreat Guide (PDF) on how best to prepare for your retreat experience.
  • Pre-Retreat Inquiry Questions to answer and send to Nancy prior to your Retreat.
  • Your Personal Transformation Template of practices and tools to use daily after your retreat ends.
  • Bonus Session with Nancy two weeks following your Retreat to anchor and stabilize your learning and practices from the retreat.
  • MP3 Recording of your entire Retreat and Bonus Session.

Potential Topics for Your Becoming YOU, again Retreat

Are you feeling a bit misaligned when it comes to your Soul’s purpose at this tumultuous time on our planet?

Get crystal clear about your Heart’s Desires and get precise steps to take each day to manifest those desires. Share your hits of inspiration with Nancy and get validation for them along with action steps and practices designed specifically for you and your stage of life.

Are patterns from your past still in control even though you’ve worked on this tirelessly in therapy?

Uncover current blocks that hold your dreams hostage. Blocks are conditioned beliefs from the past that we don’t know we are holding onto. Nancy shows you how to choose another direction instead of your usual reactions to the past, using metaphysical tools as well as emotional release work.

Is spirituality still something that feels sporadic?

Take a deep-dive spiritually. Learn how to tap into Ageless Wisdom teachings of metaphysics and the mystics so that you can incorporate them into your personal daily practices of creativity and transformation. Feel your inner strength on a whole new level, your power to persevere, and your inner resilience.

Do you have a book inside you that wants to take shape? Or have you written it, but are stuck with getting it in the world because you’re scared to be seen?

Writing your book: where to start, how to proceed, what’s next and creating the narrative arc. If you don’t have a book yet but know deep down that you are a writer, we can explore how to get you started by outlining your Heroine’s Journey steps and themes. We can spend the whole retreat on this. We can also work on visibility issues.

Are you stuck in transition? One foot in the past and one in the future?

You are at a transition in your life and need clear direction and practices on how to navigate letting go of the old and creating the new, including how to be in the ‘void’. Common transitions include: Approaching an ‘empty nest’; retirement; a new relationship; leaving a relationship.

Do you say ‘yes’ when you mean ‘no’? Is feeling inauthentic taking a toll on your vitality?

You are afraid to speak up: At work? In your marriage? With friends? Do you hold back in order to feel safe? We can focus on this and you can learn how to break free of this old self while maintaining a deep sense of safety as well.


Because we have 3 hours together, the depth and breadth of our exploration goes beyond what happens in a series of regular sessions or in a group experience. So, no matter what you choose to focus on during your Retreat (your focus may not be in the above list), you will walk away with a profound connection to your deeper Self, your Spirit, and your Being. And with your very own customized set of practices for manifesting your desires -- a pathway for Becoming YOU, again.

Endorsements of Nancy's Work

"Based on my experience, I think Nancy’s coaching is so profoundly effective because she has developed authentic authority through devoting her own life, time, resources and attention to her own path of development. So, if you have a chance to work with Nancy, TAKE IT!!!  She is a true master---she transmits wisdom---and she will help you become the true master of your own life and work."

- Susanna McCann, Founder Radiant Embodied Woman

"Nancy has helped me to transform my life, from finding my voice, to shining a light on my subconscious fears and beliefs, to helping me realize and connect to the source of all that I am. To say I am grateful is beyond words. Her gentle, always supportive and illuminating insights makes her a most gifted and wonderful guide for anyone seeking to find and express themselves at their highest being. I cannot recommend her enough."

- Dr. Shamsul Shah, Auckland

"Nancy is nurturing, affirming, and authentic. She asks the hard questions but is gentle. In the time I’ve worked with Nancy, my confidence has soared, my business has prospered, and my relationships have improved. I feel more at peace and happier in general, and I am better equipped to handle the inevitable less comfortable feelings that come up, a side effect of being a human being. I’m pursuing my heart’s desires without offering any apologies to anyone. I’ve learned that I’m enough just the way I am, that I have a voice and things to say and express, and how to stand behind that voice.   

Jodie Toohey, Legacy Book Press LLC

"I am starting to recognize the unlimited power of the work we are doing. It’s literally alchemy. But it’s like alchemy that would astound even most alchemists! I feel the strength of my voice; I see the sheer beauty of my being, inside and out, and I feel the unlimited worldly and spiritual success coming towards me, that it actually is already in me. My gratitude is almost ineffable!"

- Katy Hapgood, London

"Since working with Nancy, a miracle has occurred----I’ve transformed my consciousness from feeling like a victim of life to being an advocate and taking up the space I need; I’ve stopped suppressing my true expression and found my voice; I’ve moved from resignation to being the co-creator of my experience... A massive shift!"

- Ingrid McGuffog, PhD, Brisbane

On the Other Side of Your
Becoming YOU, again Retreat

You will have a felt experience of being aligned with Essence.

  • You’ll feel connected to your Inner Wisdom so that you can enthusiastically take next steps towards manifesting your deepest desire without the old internal resistance.
  • You’ll speak your truth without tying yourself in knots or worrying you might upset others.
  • You stop believing your inner critic by learning how to 'pivot' away from it quickly so that you don’t waste time spinning around in self-doubt -- and you take action effortlessly.
  • Your Stillness practice feeds your Soul and daily you tap into the Vertical plane of Being so that old distractions and patterns of numbing out through busyness fall away.
  • Now you hold yourself in high esteem, stand up for yourself and honor your deeper wisdom as it relates to all aspects of your life: body, relationship, purpose and creativity.

Our Work Together Inside the Retreat: The Process

Obviously, your retreat is all about you and what you really want to manifest and let go of at this point in your life. But there are three essential practice portals we will work with during your Retreat. You and your life and your moment of Becoming provide the details!

Stillness is essential to transformation. We will do 2-3 short Stillness practices (approximately 8 minutes each) during your retreat. Nancy supports you use your breath as a focus point to experience the peace of your Awareness. There is no prerequisite of meditation for this. It is natural and simply requires slowing down and following Nancy’s guidance. She’s been practicing mindfulness and meditation for over 37 years.

You’ll have the time and space in your Retreat to go deep inside, to feel what perhaps you haven’t had time to feel yet---your Heart’s Desire. There is a place inside you where the Infinite taps on your heart, wanting to be expressed through you in the unique way that only you can create. Without choosing to retreat from daily routines, you can’t go deep enough to hear. You will have time to both listen and write from your Intuition.

This is what can seem like the hardest part of Becoming—how we stay stuck in the past, in those feeling-states that feel familiar and safe. There’s a term called ‘trouble at the border’ that refers to how this conditioned self rises up to stop you just at the point of expansion. Nancy has a gift of 'seeing' these beliefs so that you do too. Then, you can learn how to quickly heal them and go beyond them with tools and practices selected especially for you from the Find Your Voice Wisdom School Library.

A Recap of What's included in
Becoming YOU, again Retreat:

  • A Half-Day 1:1 Becoming You, again with Nancy on Zoom.
  • Pre-Retreat Guide (PDF) on how best to prepare for your retreat experience.
  • Pre-Retreat Inquiry Questions to answer and send to Nancy prior to your Retreat.
  • Your Personal Transformation Template of practices and tools to use daily after your retreat ends.
  • Bonus Session with Nancy two weeks following your Retreat to anchor and stabilize your learning and practices from the retreat.
  • MP3 Recording of your entire Retreat and Bonus Session.

More endorsements
from others...

If you want to know who you are and what your purpose is here on earth—in the present moment—then sign up for Nancy’s wisdom and retreat!
~ Ann Forsythe, Edinburgh

Nancy, thank you very much for your diligence, your insights, your wisdom, and knowing what to say to me when. It's so valuable working with you! You truly have a great gift! ~ Email of a happy client.

Favorite Quotes on Becoming

"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death."

~ Anaïs Nin

 “For me, becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn’t end.”

~ Michelle Obama

“It is frightening when a woman finally realizes that there is no answer to the question 'who am I' except the voice inside herself.”

~ Betty Friedan

How the
Virtual Retreat Works

Step 1: Reserve a Becoming You Retreat with your registration & payment.

Step 2: We find the best time for your Retreat. 

Step 3: You will then receive an email with questions to help make the most of your Retreat experience. You’ll send these back to Nancy the day before your Retreat.

You will also receive a PDF Retreat Guidebook about how to prepare your space for our 3 hours together.

Step 4: Join Nancy on Zoom room at the scheduled time and we begin our Journey!

Step 5. At the end of your 3-hours Retreat we will schedule your Bonus Session for two weeks out.



Retreats are available on a very limited basis and are scheduled Tuesday-Friday, between the hours of 10am – 3pm CDT, though there is some flexibility. The occasional Saturday is a possibility for those who work full time during the week.

I look forward to meeting you in the Retreat!

Nancy Swisher, MA, MFA is Transformational Coach and Spiritual Mentor and the author of The Life That Woke Me Up Was My Own: A MemoirShe has been supporting women to heal, transform, and evolve in consciousness for over 27 years.  She teaches her 5-Day Find Your Voice and Stand Behind It Retreat in Oxford, England and has taught at Kripalu Center in western Massachusetts. When she isn’t working within her business, she writes, studies, contemplates, and has soulful conversations with friends.

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